2025 Year of the Snake River Misogi

Start the year off positively. Join us as we gather at One Dojo to bring in the Chinese new year with vision, courage and determination. 

The ceremony will comprise some meditation, breathing, chanting, bell ringing, and a cold-water plunge in Boulder Creek!

Everyone currently involved in Ki training and in good health is welcome to attend One Dojo's lunar new year celebration event.

River Misogi will be lead by Lance McClure Sensei

To download a PDF with instructions on how to prepare, visit our website here.

Sen Shin no Gyo is a Ki training experience to coordinate mind and body— a symbolic and physical practice to throw away all things past and to start out the new year clean and fresh. 

Please come with a positive attitude and lots of good Ki.
It is a tradition for our community to go out for breakfast after the ceremony.

Sunday, 2 Feb 2025
7:00 am doors open
Training starts at 7:30, until ~ 9:30am
Breakfast at a local breakfast destination to follow

Items You Will Need:
  • Bathing Suit (worn under your Keiko-gi onto the mat)
  • Protective footwear (worn into the river—no ip ops, they oat)
  • Towel
  • Something clean and dry to stand on (2nd towel or yoga mat works well)
  • Bathrobe (for getting dressed warmly after exiting the water)
  • Underwear (to put on after exiting the water)
  • Dry Socks & Shoes
  • Jacket, Hat, & Gloves
  • Warm, non-alcoholic drink (optional)

Date: February 2, 2025
Time: 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM
3005 Sterling Circle
Suite 150
Boulder, CO 80301 US
Event Price: FREE

Registration is closed for this event.